Getspc Apk

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Dec 26, 2008 Just rcv'd this gps as a gift and trying to set it up. I see serial numbers all over the box and wrappers and can't tell which one it is. Download SPC apk 6.6 for Android. This application is intended for members of FCDL-SC.

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Dragon ball z games for pc windows 7. Description of Get My MSL Get My MSL will display your Master Subsidy Lock code. This app is absolutely free, and ad-free. Please realize that this does not work on all devices (most HTC) before leaving negative feedback. I am currently collecting data on which devices it will and will not work oh, and manually excluding devices which will not work on so it does not show up in their android market. It will work on most Android Phones (all those which store the code as property ril.MSL). A rooted device is not required.

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Getspc Apk

Getspc Apk

Getspc Apk Gratis

The MSL code is needed for access to various hidden system configuration menus (e.g. The one accessed via dialing ##33284# on a Samsung Transform Ultra). Get My MSL will give you your MSL code without the need to use adb shell or have a terminal app installed.

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This version requires INTERNET permissions because it allows the user to decide if they would like to send a feedback report after attempting to get the MSL (such things as make and model of phone, OS version, etc. Not your MSL or any other personal information!). This way I can find out what devices can and can't be supported and exclude this app from showing in the market for those devices (HTC + many others).